Carrots Part 2

So this was the second year we planted a garden. The first time was just beans so that was manageable. This year we went all out. We put up fence, got stakes for rows, bought our own tiller etc. etc.. We planted 5 varieties of lettuce, and 13 other vegetables. Needless to say much of the summer was spent in the garden weeding.
After the overwhelming amount of lettuce we had, I even gave it to people I didn't like just to get rid of it, I thought nothing would be more time consuming and just something to dread. Then came carrots....

This basket is only half the carrots too! When I'm done, yeah I know but I needed a break from it, I'll have frozen about 150 cups of carrots. Carrots were way more work than beans because, case you haven't noticed, they are way more dirty! So after scrubbing them and peeling the crazy "hairs" off, I had to chop them and blanche them.

Can you taste them? Leigha helped me bag them, and didn't care for the smell very much. It kinda went unnoticed by me after so many batches of carrots!

1 Comment:

  1. Elizabeth Morrison said...
    Why did you have to blanch them? Can't they be frozen without doing that first?

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