I like my blog, it keeps me sane. I like reading other people's blogs, it makes me feel like I have tons of friends.
But alas, blogging everyday while we were gone turned into more work than fun. And fun is what this is all about right? Besides I'm sure that no one really wants to hear how for the last week and a half I have seriously have done nothing but a bit of laundry (ask my husband if you think I'm joking). Oh I may have made an actual dinner once that didn't include opening the box and inserting it in the oven for 12-15 min or until cheese was golden brown.
Ugg why can't I kick this and actually get this year started? I have plans and goals that I want to get a jump on. I'm way over committing to working out and totally unreal things along those lines. I want to paint a room upstairs and get Eve in her own room, and put Sara in with Leigha. My closet has exploded from what I believe must have been a terrible tornado! Or maybe it was me just throwing stuff in there and never putting it away, I like the first choice better. So I pretty much rotate the same couple outfits because I can't actually get to wear the rest of my stuff is hanging. And I see her pretty clean closet and want to cry! And be jealous because she probably hasn't worn the same 3 things over and over.
But instead of actually doing anything to get either project started, I'd rather sleep and stay in pj's all day long. Besides who wants to do anything when it's -15 outside!


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