This is what my 29 looks like!
Today I'll spend it with my family at a hockey game and then skating with the players.
A party had been mentioned by newly adopted hockey family member, but let's be serious S, when people found out you'ld be there, they would already have plans to find stop sign yellow, match things with cougar blue, and poorly shovel sidewalks for friends. Besides, I'll already be spending my day with the most important people anyway!

Bath Time

It's must be in their genes, that all kids love baths. Wait, kids love playing in the tub maybe not so much the cleaning part of the bath. Unfortunately, Wisconsin winters don't really make baths very enjoyable. The kids can play for a bit, and before I can get to the washing up they've turned into teeth chattering blue prunes. I try to trick them into taking showers, Sara I can usually get excited by asking her if she wants to shower with mom, yes the beauty of having girls. And I can get her done in minutes so this really helps the day out.

Leigha on the other hand would rather climb her bed today. She is using a tie from a dress I made as her rope, I told her this doesn't look like a good idea and she IS going to get hurt, she climbs anyway.
I can usually get Eve and Leigha to shower together, but this sometimes turns into a giggle fest followed by a very wet floor, yes the floor gets soaked even with showers. I'm thinking eventually they'll master keeping more of the water IN the shower than out. I did. :)

A project from February

The girls working on their ATC, and Sara just painting up a big blue blob.

You know garbage spies or garbage cans not much difference

Doesn't everyone wear hockey skates and p.j.s around the house?

shoulder pads
breezers aka hockey pants

new skates
And these are my recent "gifts" from Abe. I'm so very excited!! We played again on Sunday night in the amateur hockey league at the rink. I think I might finally be getting the stopping thing down (which is slightly important in successful hockey playing). I"ll keep you posted on my progress, because my goal IS to ref mites by next season.

"Mom, me play with tah-toe?"

And after days of asking, I finally let them play with play dough. I seriously think it was created by the devil, because no mom would inflict the amount of clean-up this requires on another mom. Aside from the clean-up, there is always the chunks that get stuck on their clothes and socks. I unfortunately limit play dough playing. And I feel very guilty for this, because I can remember playing with this stuff for hours and making all sorts of things. Of course when I was little all of mine was inevitable that redish-brown color that mixing all the colors together creates, another pet peeve of mine that also limits the number of colors they can play with. When will I through this all into the wind and just let play be play with all the colors and all the do-dads that our play dough factory has (shhh...they didn't get to play with this today..the clean-up is crazy!)?

I had to include this one of Sara too. She has Eve's underwear around her waist with Leigha's pajama pants. I tried to take them off and she insisted,"Underwear on." ...whatever.

And I leave the room for 5 seconds and half a box of toothpicks gets used! She was on a roll today. She drew all over herself, Sara, and her bedspread. It's been quite the day!

On Sunday the girls participated in the skating races here in town. Leigha got a first in each of her events! Maybe I should mention she was the only competitor in the 4 year old class, but she still got as many cheers from the crowd as all the other kids so that was awesome. Eve got a first in the 2 length race, to the end and back. She even hockey stopped at the finish which was so cool to see her spraying ice up on the competition!
Leigha on her way back to cross the finish line
7-9 yr old class lining up

Eve on her way back for the win

Leigha competing in the 2 oval

Eve in her 2 oval race

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